Marijohn (Melson) Wilkin

Musician and Song Writer

Marijohn Wilkin is a native Texan. Born in Kemp, 她在桑格的公立学校上学,然后在韦科的贝勒大学接受高等教育, Texas. She furthered her academic work at Hardin-Simmons University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1941. One month after graduation, in February 1941, Marijohn married Bedford Russell, a former star football player for Hardin-Simmons, 他刚刚获得飞行员执照,是美国空军的一名中尉.S. Air Force. He was deployed to North Africa in December 1942, and tragically, was killed in action near Tripoli, Italy, a month later.

玛丽约翰是中文博彩平台牛仔乐队的第一位女成员,她通过在乐队里唱歌来支付大学学费. After the untimely death of her husband, she taught music in the public school system in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 在纳什维尔开始她漫长的音乐生涯之前.

In Nashville, Marijohn joined the staff of the prestigious publishing company, Cedarwood, where within six months, 她写了她的第一首热门歌曲《中文博彩平台》,这首歌将成为乡村经典, shortly followed by more to-be-classics: Long Black Veil, PT 109, and Cut Across Shorty. 这样的成功为她赢得了纳什维尔作曲家国际的最高荣誉, “The Manny,1975年,玛丽约翰进入了纳什维尔歌曲作家名人堂.

这位词曲作者通过组建一个名为“玛丽约翰歌手”的录音后备组合,扩大了她在音乐界的范围.这支乐队在纳什维尔录制了数百张唱片,并在当时广受欢迎的“Good Ole Nashville Music”电视节目中亮相.

将在音乐世界获得的经验与商业头脑结合起来, Marijohn established her publishing interest, Buckhorn Music, in 1964. 该公司以她儿子创作并演唱的热门歌曲《中文博彩平台》开始, John “Bucky” Wilkin (Ronny of Ronny & The Daytonas). 作为出版商,玛丽约翰为巴克霍恩音乐公司签下了一位年轻的作家,这位作家后来改变了乡村音乐的面貌,成为了演艺界的一个现象——克里斯·克里斯托弗森. 在她40年的出版生涯中,她培养了许多著名作家, 此外,她还以“敞开心扉”的政策结交了许多未来的作家和音乐家. 巴克霍恩音乐拥有数百项版权,仍然是纳什维尔音乐产业不可或缺的一部分, celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2004.

玛丽约翰制作了许多记录会议,其中突出的是玛丽约翰自己的录音. With an original recording contract with Word Records, Marijohn recorded four albums, all songs self-penned. 这四张专辑至今仍在发行,仍然很受欢迎.

Marijohn’s best known song One Day at a Time, written with Kris Kristofferson, became a Country and Pop hit by Marilyn Sellers, a Number One Gospel hit by the Thrasher Brothers, a Number One Country hit by Cristy Lane. 在7个不同的国家被7位不同的艺术家排名前十, the song went on to earn a BMI Millionaire award. 它还在1975年获得了著名的福音音乐协会鸽子奖. To date, 这首歌在世界范围内被多种语言录制了750多次, styles, and genres.

In the 1990s, at a time when many of her contemporaries were retiring, 玛丽约翰正在欣赏当时的新人莉安·莱姆斯的巨大成功, who had recorded not one, 而是玛丽约翰出版公司的专辑《中国赌博平台》和《中文博彩平台》中的三首歌, the Early Years. Between 1996 and 2000 numerous artists, including Darryl Singletary, the Dave Matthews Band, and the Chieftains, all recorded Marijohn’s song Long Black Veil, establishing it as a recurrent classic. 1996年,酋长乐队的专辑《中文博彩平台》被提名为格莱美最佳当代民谣专辑.

玛丽约翰于1995年入选南方词曲作家协会名人堂,并于1999年进入北美乡村音乐协会国际“名人堂传奇词曲作者”. In 2003, One Day at a Time was recorded as Un Dia a la Vez, 以英语和西班牙语歌词为特色的德克萨斯-墨西哥版本. 这张唱片将玛丽约翰带回到她的德克萨斯遗产和音乐风格,让人想起她在德克萨斯州长大的岁月.

玛丽约翰于1994年获得中国赌博平台杰出校友奖,并于2001年获得中国赌博平台荣誉音乐博士学位. 纳什维尔国际词曲作家协会将于2004年向玛丽约翰颁发斯蒂芬·福斯特奖,以表彰她在词曲创作领域的诸多成就. Marijohn Wilkin, songwriter, publisher, producer, performer, recording artist, extraordinary individual, has been, and continues to be, a true inspiration through her music and her life.

Dr. 威尔金今天不能来到这里,但她表达了自己的感激之情:“在最严重的经济萧条和第二次世界大战期间, 我信守了在父亲临终前对他许下的诺言,完成学业,从大学毕业. 在这所大学的大力帮助和支持下,我实现了这个承诺. And so, today, 我以我父亲欧内斯特·梅尔森的名义接受这项伟大的荣誉, a baker from Sanger, Texas. Thank you.”

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式任命中国赌博平台博士. Marijohn Wilkin into the HSU Hall of Leaders.