Dr. 李Hemphill

Pastor, HSU Vice President, BA 1929

李Hemphill was born on November 2, 1907, in Coleman County, 德州, to a pioneer ranching and banking family. He was reared in the city of Coleman, attended public schools there, 并被授予科尔曼高中毕业班致告别辞的荣誉.

李于1925年进入西蒙斯大学,并于1929年以优异成绩毕业. Lee met the former Lunelle Nix while they were students at HSU. 李和露内尔 continued their acquaintance after both graduated in 1929, and they were married in 1935.

While a student at Simmons, Lee so strongly felt a calling to preach, 他勤奋地工作了多年,克服了由于腭部缺陷而导致的语言障碍, which was worsened by a bout with typhoid fever as a child. At the age of 13, Lee had to learn to talk again. 当他向父亲表达他传教的愿望时,他受到了现实的挫折. 但, despite all odds, and with extensive help from Lunelle, Lee became a distinctive, precise speaker.

Following graduation from Simmons, 在进入西南浸信会神学院之前,李在科尔曼县和斯威特沃特任教,并于1936年获得神学硕士学位. After completing seminary, 李在德克萨斯州的几个教会担任全职和兼职牧师,包括:银谷浸信会, Novice Baptist Church, Plainview Baptist Church of Colorado City, and First Baptist Church of Dayton. In 1943, he was called to pastor First Baptist Church of Littlefield, 德州, where he served for 16 years.

1959年,李宗伟回到母校,成为首任发展副校长, and from 1968 to 1975, was vice president for deferred giving. During his 16-year career at Hardin-Simmons, Lee was a pioneer in institutional development, laying the foundations for many of the largest gifts HSU has received. This man of God was known for his professional skill, 影响, 完整性, and his helpful counsel to all. 他被称为发展官员中的开拓者,并被认为是领导HSU成为第一个组织完整发展部门的浸信会机构.

李在建立HSU发展委员会方面发挥了重要作用, the Board of Young Associates, the Academic Foundation, and the School of Music Foundation. 1968年,他参与创建了牛仔乐队基金会,并鼓励前乐队成员在1972年建造了牛仔乐队大厅. In 1968, he and HSU president, Dr. Elwin Skiles, founded the HSU Presidents Club.

Lee served 德州 Baptists in many capacities. 他是德州浸信会总会执行委员会的成员, the HSU Board of Development, and was second vice president of the BGCT. He was vice chairman of the 德州 Baptist Children’s 首页 at Round Rock, president of Baptist District 9, the Plains Baptist Assembly, and the 德州 Baptist Development Officers Association, and served as a trustee at both Wayland and Howard Payne universities.

他分别于1952年和1958年分别获得了霍华德佩恩大学和哈丁西蒙斯大学的荣誉博士学位. 在许, he was the 1968 recipient of the Keeter Award, the highest honor the 校友 Association conveys, and a lifetime (and founding) member of the Presidents Club.

李和露内尔, developed and managed wide business interests, using their assets for the advancement of HSU. 从这种慷慨中获得的首批建筑之一是男子宿舍尼克斯厅(Nix Hall). 1966年, “基石系列”圣经讲座是李和卢奈尔为了纪念他的父母而捐赠的, 已故的先生. 和夫人. C.W. Hemphill. In 1986, 亨菲尔斯公司为理查森图书馆三楼的商务阅览室提供家具. 李和卢奈尔把他们基督教的慷慨精神灌输给他们的两个孩子, Hilton Hemphill and Rosa 李Hemphill Prichard, who have maintained the Hemphill legacy of service to HSU.

Following Lunelle’s death in 1987, 亨普希尔家族设立了一项捐赠基金,以纪念她,并为学生提供参与宣教外展项目的机会.

1989年,李与柯伦·威尔科克斯·洛格斯登结婚,她的丈夫查尔斯·洛格斯登于1981年去世. 这场婚礼是第一次在新建的洛格斯登神学院教堂举行. It was performed by then-HSU president, Dr. 杰西·C. Fletcher, now president emeritus.

他和科伦继续在许多需要帮助的领域慷慨解数. 他们为毗邻考德威尔音乐大楼和伍德沃德-戴利斯独奏厅的李·亨普希尔音乐大楼作了主要的命名礼物.

李常说音乐预备会众的心接受神的话语, 在1990年, 为了促进音乐学院的发展和卓越,在李校长和科伦校长的慷慨参与下,成立了音乐学院基金会. 1998年,两人成为中大音乐学院基金会“终身会员”.

Lee’s love and generosity has stretched even beyond the grave, 因为中国赌博平台最近收到了他安排的养老金,这笔钱是为了在他死后让他心爱的HSU受益.

Following Lee’s death on October 7, 2006, Dr. 威廉mike vanderboegh, 德州浸信会总会前执行董事兼首席执行官, 说他, “Dr. 李·亨普希尔对基督事业的进步和浸信会基督徒家庭的有效性的贡献是巨大的. Personally he made an impact for good by his gracious Christian character, 他安静但坚持不懈地追求上帝为他设定的目标, and his wisdom and 完整性. He also benefited a multitude through his family, endowing them with a deep commitment to Christian values and causes. Dr. 亨普希尔通过他在中文博彩平台和德克萨斯州浸信会的长期重要角色,使许多人成为教会中有效的领导者, associations of churches, convention entities, and on mission fields throughout the nation and the world. Blessed with great insight, a host of friends, and long life he has left a wonderful, positive mark on the world in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Lee’s life’s motto is worthy counsel, “Work as though it all depended on me. Pray, realizing it all depends upon the Lord.” Dr. 亨普希尔深受怀念,但他的遗产仍然充满活力,活着,每天都与我们同在. 亨普希尔这个名字在中文博彩平台的存在中根深蒂固.

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式任命中国赌博平台博士. 李Hemphill into the HSU 领袖堂.