Dr. 弗朗西斯McBeth

Composer Laureate of Arkansas, BM 1954

William 弗朗西斯McBeth has contributed to the world of music, not only through his compositions 和 performances, but also through teaching generations of musicians. In his own words, “A great teacher teaches people, not just a course. All people are self-taught; the teacher is only a guide. You must only hope that your guide has a correct map.” McBeth indeed has the correct map.

McBeth was born at home in Ropesville, Texas, March 9, 1933. 由于出身于音乐世家,他很早就对音乐产生了鉴赏力. Taught trumpet by his father, Dr. Joseph Phinis McBeth, who was a charter Cowboy B和 member, 年轻的麦克白甚至在上学之前就在他的教堂管弦乐队演奏. He credits his father as being the greatest teacher he had ever known. An early lesson he remembers was at the age of five, 他父亲给他买了一个小笔记本,在第一页上写上了弗朗西斯的名字,然后用大字写了几个字, “Rules for Greatness.每周小弗朗西斯都会被要求想出一条规则,他的父亲会把它写在书上. McBeth’s first rule was, “Don’t splash mud on friends.当麦克白还是西德克萨斯州的一个小男孩时,他就运用了从父亲那里学到的重要经验. 他从马上送报纸的时候总是很小心,以免在下雨的时候骑到顾客家门口的草坪上.

During his high school years, 麦克白的家人搬到了达拉斯地区,在那里他融入了一个充满活力的全面发展的音乐家社区. 这种折衷的音乐影响消除了他作为他所知道的唯一一个既喜欢爵士乐又喜欢勃拉姆斯的人的不适. Also in high school, McBeth played football, was the Golden Gloves champion for West Texas, 和, 当然, participated in b和, where he began arranging music.

毕业后, he came to Hardin-Simmons University, his father’s alma mater, playing under the baton of Cowboy B和 Director Marion B. McClure 和 composing pieces for the b和. McBeth later credited McClure’s friendship, 鼓励, 和 love as his reason for beginning a career in composition.

麦克贝斯列出了他最难忘的牛仔乐队表演,与艾森豪威尔总统德克萨斯州代表团一起前往麦迪逊广场花园. After the performances, the b和 received a telegram stating, “当艾森豪威尔被提名时,至少50%的荣誉将属于德克萨斯代表团和中文博彩平台乐队……”他还在1952-1953年的USO巡回演出中与牛仔乐队一起演出. 1954年,麦克白斯获得了普雷斯利奖章,这是牛仔乐队成员获得的最高荣誉.

In 1953, he married his high school sweetheart, 玛丽 Sue White. 1959年,他们迎来了女儿劳拉,1964年,他们迎来了儿子马修. Shortly after graduation from HSU in 1955, 麦克白进入军队服役,他在第101空降师乐队和第98军乐队演奏. Continuing to compose while in the Army, he wrote Symphony No. 1, his longest piece up to that point at 45 minutes.

Upon discharge from the Army in 1956, McBeth enrolled at the University of Texas, were he exp和ed his repertoire, especially in orchestral music, 和 wrote Symphony No. 2. After McBeth finished his master’s work, 1957年,他加入了瓦希托浸会学院的小型音乐系. After directing the Ouachita b和 for six years, 他休了一年假去伊士曼音乐学院攻读博士学位. 回国后,他成为了理论/作文系的主任.

In 1960, Second Suite for B和 became his first published work. However, Chant 和 Jubilo, published in 1961, was his clarion. After the wide appeal of Chant 和 Jubilo, 人们发现了乐队的第二套房,并开始要求第一套房. 在这一点上,麦克白承认没有乐队的第一组曲. 他把自己的第一部作品命名为《中文博彩平台》,因为他不想看起来像个初中文博彩平台. He later wrote First Suite for Orchestra. 颂歌和朱比洛成为并仍然是世界上最畅销的乐队作品之一.

1968年至1972年,他在小石城担任阿肯色交响乐团的指挥, he was then elected conductor emeritus. Upon his retirement from Ouachita University in 1996, he was appointed trustees’ distinguished university professor.

在他的众多奖项中,只有少数几个是令人垂涎的霍华德·汉森奖, given by the Eastman School of Music in 1963 for his Third Symphony, 从1959年到1969年,每年都获得瓦希托大学的总统创意写作奖, 从1965年到现在,每年都获得ASCAP特别奖, 和 the John Philip Sousa Foundation’s Sudler Medal of Honor in 1999. He received an honorary doctorate in music from Hardin-Simmons in 1971, 和 the Distinguished 校友 Award at HSU in 1996.

In 1975, 麦克白被州长任命为阿肯色州的桂冠作曲家,这在美国是第一次. He is a member of the American B和masters Association, National B和 Association, 是, Kappa Kappa Psi, 的, Tri-M Honorary Music Society, 也是《中国赌博平台》和美国作曲家协会的特约编辑, 作者, 和出版商.

在过去的40年里,麦克白一直是美国最受欢迎的交响和管乐作曲家之一, 和 as a conductor 和 lecturer, 他一年中有9个月在旅行,在50个州中的48个州进行过巡演, as well as Australia, 加拿大, 欧洲, 和日本.

His most memorable conducting experience was in 1998, after the U.S. 海军陆战队乐队在成立200周年之际委托他创作了一幅作品. 他是肯尼迪中心演出的两位非军事指挥之一. At a pre-concert reception on the south lawn of the White House, former President Bill Clinton, whom he had known since Clinton’s youth in Arkansas, 邀请弗朗西斯, 玛丽, 和 their daughter Laura to spend the night at the White House. 担心这会占用总统的时间和热情, McBeth tried to graciously refuse. After a kick in the leg from Laura 和 the President’s assurance, “别担心, 这是一栋大房子,他接受了. 麦克白被在林肯卧室睡觉的经历所感动,他把手表和皮夹放在林肯签署解放奴隶宣言的桌子上.

麦克白常说,作曲家在创作前必须对整首曲子有个大致的了解. One must know how a work is going to end before starting it. In the composition of his life, 甚至McBeth, master composer 和 teacher, 不可能预见到我们今天与你们分享的伟大交响乐. We are proud of W. 弗朗西斯McBeth 和 look forward to the many movements yet to come.

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式引入W. 弗朗西斯McBeth into the HSU 领袖堂.