Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch

US 军队 Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), Motivational Speakers, BS 1976

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch, a 20-year U.S. 退伍军人,1976年毕业于中文博彩平台执法专业. 她通过中文博彩平台后备军官训练团(ROTC)获得了美国陆军少尉的职位,并成为德克萨斯州第一位被任命为后备军官训练团军官的女性.

康斯韦洛1954年出生在德克萨斯州的拉雷多,在美国南北铁路沿线的一个小村庄里长大.S./Mexican border. Her immigrant parents, though unable to provide material wealth to their 10 children, 为康斯韦洛提供了克服贫困挑战所需的宝贵经验, discrimination, and illiteracy. She became rich in culture, tradition, values, and faith.

Consuelo, a strong proponent of life-skills and mentorship, 她将成功所需的技能和知识归功于哈佛大学的一项“社会实验”. In 1973, Dr. Julian Bridges, then professor of social work, 领导了一个项目,将30名处境不利的西班牙裔青年带到HSU作为学生. 康斯韦洛是一群贫穷的、不会说英语的学生中的一员. Bridges’ encouragement, guidance, and compassion. 他帮助他们找到了留在大学的力量和决心,尽管他们第一次遇到了陌生的环境.

When she felt other students didn’t want or understand her, when lessons in an unfamiliar language seemed too difficult, and when hope for changing her life seemed out of reach, Consuelo diligently persevered.

Thinking it was a social club, 她加入了大学的后备军官训练队,因为他们似乎有很多乐趣. The yelling didn’t bother her; she says it reminded her of her mother at home. After four years of monumentally hard work, and more than a few tears, the proud new graduate was eligible for a commission in the U.S. 军队. 她后来成为美国战斗支援领域最高级别的西班牙裔女性.S. 军队.

Kickbusch拥有加州圣何塞州立大学控制论高级学位. 她的军事教育包括陆军指挥和总参谋部学院和国防部项目管理执行课程.

In 1996, Consuelo was selected out of 26,000 candidates to assume a command post, which would put her on track for the rank of General Officer. She respectfully declined the honor, retired as a 20-year veteran, and founded Educational Achievement Services, 公司. 她在EAS的工作实现了她的个人梦想和使命,即在今天培养明天的领导者.

Since retiring from the army, 康斯韦洛选择了教书的道路,这强化了她的信念:一个拥有强大领导人的国家将具有全球竞争力. 她曾与许多年轻人、家长、经理、高管和员工交谈过. 她无私奉献,致力于改善自卑儿童的生活,在全国范围内得到了认可, crisis of identity, poverty, gang involvement, and lack of education.

她对美国贫困青年的奉献使她与100多万儿童及其父母以及教育工作者一起工作. Consuelo encounters some of the roughest neighborhoods, similar to the one she lived in, as she inspires the youth growing up in the barrios she visits.

Calling the children “diamonds in the rough,她鼓励他们相信自己可以实现梦想, to emb比赛 hope, to take charge of their lives, to make a real difference in their families and communities, and to follow a disciplined road map to success. 讲述她的生活经历给弱势群体带来了希望和动力. 她还广泛地帮助满足无家可归者的需求, 帮助美国和波多黎各的贫困社区.

Consuelo has produced a well-received video titled Porque No—Why Not? 它提供了发展自尊和实现个人成长的实用技巧. 她的第一本书《中国赌博平台》于2003年11月出版.

Her military decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and the Overseas Service Medal. She has received numerous civic awards, including Toastmaster’s 公司. 领导奖,圣安东尼奥妇女名人堂,和德克萨斯妇女论坛.

She was the 1993 National Image 公司. 对国家公民权利和人权作出重大贡献的军警受奖人, 比赛 relations, equal opportunity, human resources, and public service.

《中国赌博平台》最近将康斯韦洛列为美国100位最具影响力的拉美裔人之一. In conjunction with the U.S. 军队, 西班牙杂志授予她杰出领导奖,以表彰她的青年服务和军事成就. 《中国赌博平台》和《中国赌博平台》杂志授予她2002年最佳女性奖, given to the top 100 women in the country. Also in 2002, 全国女企业主协会授予她企业家精神奖,以表彰她的指导精神.

In 2003, 中国赌博平台表彰康斯韦洛的个人和专业成就与杰出校友奖.

While she tirelessly works to provide resources for others, Consuelo is also raising her own children with her husband, retired Lieutenant Colonel David Kickbusch. 他们有五个女儿,肯尼萨、艾丽西亚、康斯韦洛,还有一对双胞胎,多洛雷斯和黛利拉.

通过挑战那些唯一的缺陷就是出生在贫困和无知之中的孩子们尚未开发的潜力, Consuelo has risen to the highest ranks of those who serve. 中文博彩平台很荣幸能够表彰她自己的一位,并正式将康斯韦洛·卡斯蒂略·Kickbusch引入哈佛大学领袖堂.